Regulating Cross-Border Data Flows in a Data-Driven World
Jornada - Derecho Internacional (presencial)
Abogacía Abogados Agenda Brexit Derecho FIDE Formación Madrid Normativa Unión Europea
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Objectives: While the free cross-border movement of data is essential to many aspects of international trade, several countries have imposed restrictions on these data flows. The pre-internet rules of the World Trade Organization (‘WTO’) discipline some of these restrictions, but they are insufficient. Unfortunately, so are the electronic commerce chapters in modern preferential trade agreements. This presentation argues that reformed WTO rules, that take account of the policy challenges of the data-driven economy, are required. These reforms would facilitate internet openness while ensuring consumer and business trust, promote digital inclusion of developing countries and incorporate clear exceptions for legitimate domestic policies.
Forum Directors:
• Ignacio Díez-Picazo, Chaired Professor of Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law, Universidad Complutense of Madrid. Lawyer. Member of the Academic Counsel of FIDE.
• Carlos Espósito, Chaired Professor of Public International Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Member of the Academic Council of FIDE.
• Francisco Garcimartín, Chaired Professor of Private International Law, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Member of the Academic Counsel of FIDE.
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