Webinar | Intellectual Property in Latin America: healthcare sector

Webinar - Propiedad Industrial (online)
European IP Helpdesk healthcare IP Normativa Propiedad Intelectual Webinar
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The Healthcare sector is a highly innovative and challenging industry where ground-breaking products and technologies are needed to stay ahead of the competition.
Research and development efforts on pharmaceutical products, medical technologies, equipment and devices are protected from unlawful copy, misappropriation or even loss of the right by different IP rights or mechanisms, such as Patents, Trade Secrets or Industrial Designs.
In addition, the reputation and distinctiveness achieved by your company through sustained product innovation, product quality standards and original commercial approaches can be protected against imitation or copy by Trademarks, Copyright or Design Rights.
This webinar organised by Enrich in LAC in cooperation with Latin America IP SME Heldepsk will provide EU SMEs interested in internationalising to Latin America with an overview of the most important Intellectual Property (IP) tools in the sector.
European IP Helpdesk
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